Sugar Grain Swing Vibrating Screen For Food Industry

Xinxiang Dayong’s swing vibrating screen is specially used for the swing screening of grain sugar used in food industry.The acceleration of Xinxiang large swing screen is 4.5 times lower than that of vibrating screen, which improves the service life of screening components and reduces maintenance; Low noise, less than 75 dB. The balance of counterweight is optimized, and the dynamic load of foundation is low.


Swing screen is a kind of high-efficiency screening machine specially designed, which can meet the requirements of mass production and high-precision production. So far, it is the most effective principle to simulate artificial screening (screening accuracy, efficiency and screening life are 5-10 times of ordinary round screen). It can meet all fine and ultra-fine range of powder and particle materials, especially suitable for difficult screening materials. Therefore, the swing screen can screen the cereal sugar well.

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